Tag: dev

Dev (Hindi: देव) is a 2004 Hindi movie, directed by Govind Nihalani. Kareena Kapoor won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Actress for her performance.
Joint Commissioner of Police Dev Pratap Singh, a duty-bound, self-righteous officer, and Special Commissioner Tejinder Khosla, the balancing force between the political interests of Chief Minister Bhandarker and Dev’s commitment to the law, are lifelong friends, each with his own ideals. Farhaan, a law graduate, was brought up with ideals of non-violence and patriotism. Dev unwittingly gives Farhaan the wound that plunges him into rage and violence after witnessing the death of his father during a peace demonstration. Taking advantage of the situation, corrupt politician Latif sets the vulnerable young man on a path of violence and destruction that threatens to ignite the city. Aalyn is the light in Farhaan’s life. Beautiful and innocent, the young woman also gets caught in extraordinary circumstances that transform her life and she…

Gobby editor

Gobby is a free software collaborative real-time editor available on Windows and Unix-like platforms. (It runs on Mac OS X…

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