Tag: touch

Touching is having or getting a zero distance; in geometry it refers especially to a tangent line or curve (cf. collision). This term can be used to describe interaction between any physical objects. In medicine, the colloquial term “touch” is usually replaced with somatic senses, to better reflect the variety of mechanisms involved.

Holding or moving something is usually done by touching (exceptions include blowing or using a magnet or engine), but this is sometimes done indirectly (e.g., with pliers, tongs or tweezers).

Touching another person is a form of physical intimacy and plays an important role in human sexual behavior. Similarly, touching oneself can be autoerotic; special is the dual feeling of a single skin contact. Touching is also integral in physical abuse (striking, pushing, pulling, pinching, kick, strangling, etc.) and hand-to-hand fighting.In a sentence like “I never touched him/her” and “Don’t you dare to touch him/her” the term touch may be meant as euphemism…

iPod Touch video review

iPod Touch video review Hands on with the Apple iPod Touch From:stuffmagazine Views:86379 150ratings Time:03:10 More inEntertainment More: continued here