Tag: sensitivity

Sensitivity, or recall rate, is a statistical measure of how well a binary classification test correctly identifies a condition, whether this is medical screening tests picking up on a disease, or quality control in factories deciding if a new product is good enough to be sold.

The results of the screening test are compared to some absolute (Gold standard); for example, for a medical test to determine if a person has a certain disease, the sensitivity to the disease is the probability that if the person has the disease, the test will be positive.

The sensitivity is the proportion of true positive of all diseased cases in the population. It is a parameter of the test.

High sensitivity is required when early diagnosis and treatment is beneficial, and when the disease is infectious.

A sensitivity of 100% means that the test recognizes all sick people as such.

Sensitivity alone does not tell us how well the test predicts other classes (that is, about the negative cases). In the…