Tag: basis

In linear algebra, a basis is a set of linearly independent vectors that, in a linear combination, can represent every vector in a given vector space or free module, or, more simply put, which define a “coordinate system” (as long as the basis is given a definite order). In more general terms, a basis is a linearly independent spanning set.
Given a basis of a vector space, every element of the vector space can be expressed uniquely as a finite linear combination of basis vectors. Every vector space has a basis, and all bases of a vector space have the same number of elements, called the dimension of the vector space.
A basis B of a vector space V over a field F is a linearly independent subset of V that spans V.
In more detail, suppose that B = { v1, …, vn } is a finite subset of a vector space V over a field F (such as the real or complex numbers R or C). Then B is a basis if it satisfies the following conditions:
The numbers ai are called the coordinates of the vector x with respect…