The most common Xbox 360 problem is caused by overheating. The reason is, if you think about it, just like an expensive gaming PC, your 360 has a lot of electronic components inside. The console box is considerably smaller than a PC and a bunch of heat is created with all of those components packed in there.
The dreaded 3 red lights problem is caused by overheating the majority of the time and there are a number of ways you can prevent this. First off, make sure that you do NOT keep it inside any kind of display cabinet like you might have with an entertainment center with you cable box, dvd player, sound equipment, etc.
If you insist on keeping it in a display cabinet of some kind, at the very least make sure you leave the doors open. Also, try not to keep it stacked on top of or underneath any other electronic consoles like the ones listed above. That can be a recipe for overheating quickly. Your Xbox 360 problem can usually be prevented by simply making sure there is good ventilation above, beneath and all around the unit. It needs breathing room, so to speak.
The Xbox 360 problem of overheating will also effect your graphics processor unit (GPU) and cause your screen to freeze. If your GPU gets to hot, it is programmed to shut off. Once it cools down, after being shut off, it will work again. The second reason an Xbox gets the 3 red lights is down to the Graphics Processor Unit or GPU. It is also similar to the overheating problem as the 3 red lights is due to the GPU taking too much heat!
You see in modern computers you have a fan and that pumps out all the heat from the CPU because if it gets to hot it is programmed to shut off. The reason the 3 red lights appear is because the GPU has overheated too many times. The unit is programmed to assume the XBox 360 problem of overheating so many times is caused by a fault or some sort of hardware error so it shuts down.
Experiencing an XBox 360 problem can be really frustrating and it can also be expensive. But if you are confident that you can follow instructions, you can save a ton of money, and a lot of down time with a do-it-yourself Xbox repair guide. More and more gamers are taking the bull by the horns and fixing Xbox 360 problems on their own! Want more incredibly helpful tips for console repairs and want to find out how easy it can be to do it yourself with a top rated Xbox 360 repair guide? Eliminate expensive shipping, repair costs and frustrating down time! go to:
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