Tag: Thursday

Thursday (/ˈθɜrzdi/ or /ˈθɜrzdeɪ/) is the fourth or fifth day of the week. According to the ISO 8601 international standard adopted in most western countries, it is the fourth day of the week. In countries that use the Sunday-first convention Thursday is defined as the fifth day of the week. It is the fifth day of the week in the Judeo-Christian calendar as well, and was defined so in the ancient Mesopotamian and biblical calendars. It falls between Wednesday and Friday. The name is derived from Old English Þūnresdæg and Middle English Thuresday, which means “Thor’s day”.
The contemporary name comes from the Old English Þunresdæg, “Thunor’s Day” (with loss of -n-, first in northern dialects, from influence of Old Norse Þorsdagr, meaning “Thor’s Day”). Thunor and Thor are derived from the Proto-Germanic god Thunraz, god of thunder, while German Donnerstag is derived from Donar (see Donar Oak).
See Week-day names for more on naming conventions.
In most Romance languages, the day is…