Tag: term

A term is a mathematical expression which may form a separable part of an equation, a series, or another expression.
In elementary mathematics, a term is either a single number or variable, or the product of several numbers or variables, separated from another term by a + or − sign in an overall expression. For example, in
3, 4x, and 5wyz are all terms.
In the context of polynomials, sometimes term is used for a monomial with a coefficient: to ‘collect like terms’ in a polynomial is the basic operation of making it a linear combination of distinct monomials.
A series is often represented as the sum of a sequence of terms.
In general mathematical use, however, term is not limited to additive expressions. Individual factors in an expression representing a product are multiplicative terms. Indeed, individual elements of any mathematical expression may be referred to as terms. Terms are numbers separated by the operational signs of addition and subtraction in an expression. For example,…