Tag: Scribble

A scribble is a drawing composed of random and abstract lines, generally without ever lifting the drawing device off of the paper. Scribbling is most often associated with young children and toddlers, because their lack of hand–eye coordination and lower mental development often make it very difficult for any young child to keep their coloring attempts within the line art of the subject.
Adults also scribble, although generally it is done jovially, out of boredom (as in doodling), as a form of abstract art, or to see if a pen works.
Scribbles are also a kind of web graphics, often associated with pixels and cute websites. They are entirely different from pixeling, as instead of carefully drawing the graphics pixel by pixel, the picture is made by drawing quickly around the outline of object a number of times – this gives the scribbly effect. The result is a very loosely drawn, sketchy artwork.
A scribble can also refer to a roughly drawn representation of a design. The term scribble …

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