RISC OS is an operating system originally created by British manufacturer Acorn Computers for their ARM based computers ranging from…
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Rom is a recurring character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He is played by Max Grodénchik.
Rom is a Ferengi, the son of Keldar and Ishka. He is Quark’s younger brother, and the father of Nog.
Born around 2335, Rom did not have the business acumen typically associated with Ferengi (they said he didn’t have the ‘lobes’ for business). He had a knack for fixing things, but until around 2372 he worked exclusively as a waiter and stock boy in his brother’s bar on Deep Space Nine. (In the first episode, he was credited only as “Ferengi Pit Boss”). Rom frequently displays a lack of confidence, largely subsequent to Quark’s habit of belittling him. However, there is evidence to suggest that Quark was attempting to protect Rom from inevitable failure by preventing him from venturing into business for himself. Nevertheless, after four years living among Federation and Bajoran citizens on the station, and possibly inspired by his son Nog’s admission to Starfleet (an action that made him very…
RISC OS is an operating system originally created by British manufacturer Acorn Computers for their ARM based computers ranging from…