Tag: Demand

‘In the theory of Lacan, demand appears to be a generic term designating the symbolic, significant site in which the primordial desire is gradually alienated’. ‘The concept of demand is not Freudian. It was developed by Jacques Lacan, who linked it with need and desire…arises only from speech’.
Demand forms part of Lacan’s ‘return to the theory of desire outlined by Kojeve’, and was used by him against the approach to language acquisition favored by ego psychology.
For Lacan, ‘all speech is demand; it presupposes the Other to whom it is addressed, whose very signifiers it takes over in its formulation’: demand is thus the result of the effect ‘the acquisition of language ha[s] on…biological needs’. Traditionally, psychoanalysis had recognised that ‘acquisition of the faculty of speech…is a decisive step in the formation of the ego’, and that ‘the child’s earliest speech is a charm directed toward forcing the external world and fate to do those things that have been conjured up…