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Clusterssh Windows setup to manage multiple SSH


Cluster SSH is a tool that allows users to control multiple SSH connections simultaneously. It is commonly used by system administrators to manage multiple servers at once.

With Cluster SSH, users can open multiple terminal windows, each connected to a different server, and enter commands in one window that will be executed on all of the connected servers simultaneously. This can save a lot of time and effort when working with multiple servers, as it eliminates the need to manually enter the same commands on each server individually.

In addition to executing commands, Cluster SSH also allows users to transfer files between servers, view and compare the output of commands from different servers side by side, and even copy and paste text between windows.

To use Cluster SSH, users must first have SSH access to the servers they want to connect to. Once this is set up, users can launch Cluster SSH and add the servers they want to connect to. From there, they can open multiple terminal windows and start working with their servers.

Overall, Cluster SSH is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to manage multiple servers simultaneously. Its ability to execute commands on multiple servers at once, transfer files, and view and compare output makes it an efficient and effective way to work with multiple servers.

The only purpose for me to install the program is to install Clusterssh in Windows to manage multiple ssh session at one time.

In this simple guide, I assume that Xming server have been installed and running.

For those who don’t know what is Xming server, please refer Xming project website.

*WSL2 no longer required X server to be installed. You straight away can use clusterssh after install.

Xming no longer maintained.

Last update is 9-8-2016. I recommend using VcXsrv Windows X server because the last update is 30-10-2021.

Both are actually X server implementation for Windows.

First thing we need to do is install ‘Windows Subsystem for Linux’. This program allows us to Install Linux OS on top of Windows. After install, we need to reboot the PC.

After reboot, head up to Microsoft Store and install the Linux OS. At this time of writing I can see Kali Linux, Debian, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, OpenSuSE and Ubuntu. I have test OpenSUSE and Debian for Clusterssh deployment. After that you need to create user for the server and to make thing easy just set root password same as user password.

Basically, if you’re familiar with Linux distribution, you may need to add certain repo to the server. And certain distribution, no need to add repo.

Debian and Ubuntu using same command to install which is ‘apt-get install clusterssh’ while SuSE using ‘zypper in clusterssh’

You must also install basic X server in the Linux server that you have created.

Make sure setting below applied inside /etc/ssh/sshd/config

DESKTOP-BILT70P:/home/hostmaster # grep X /etc/ssh/sshd_config
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10

Fire up ClusterSSH by typing ‘cssh’ and if everything goes well you can see a popup for command and new configuration fill be created under home folder.

Created new configuration file within $HOME/.clusterssh/

If you encounter an error, just go to this link.

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